Personal One-on-One MakeUp Class
*Please note I am not currently offering these classes due to the long period of very close contact that could be too risky during these COVID times.
Thank you for choosing ProMakeupMe for your Personal MakeUp Class! I look forward to be part of your journey to empower yourself with the skills to do your own MakeUp. I hope this will also boost your confidence and make you see and feel like the beautiful woman that God created you to be! xx
(Scroll af ondertoe om al die volgende inligting ook in Afrikaans te sien xx)
MakeUp Class Overview:
Personal MakeUp Class – R700 (+-3-4hrs)
(Also check out my #SISTER-LOVE special in the ‘How much?’ section further down.)
This class is done on a one-on-one basis, as I have found that this is the best way to give each person that comes to me my undivided attention. And therefore you can also get the most out of the session.
During the class I will work through the theory, while also practically demonstrating the theory on your own face. I will also help you to try out some of the techniques yourself (eg. I’ll do something on your one eye and then let you try to do the same on your other eye.)
Firstly, I find that this is the best way for you to remember what you have learned afterwards.
Secondly, you are then able to ask any questions that may come up while trying something for the first time.
And thirdly, this also gives me the opportunity to observe and notice anything that should be adjusted (like how you hold your brush for example), so that I can help you with that on the spot!
We’ll cover all the basics:
- Tools (brushes, sponges, etc)
- Skin prep (skincare, primers, etc)
- Foundation (including concealer, powder, etc.
- Eye makeup
- Cheeks (including blusher, and some basic contouring, highlighting)
- Lips
- Eyebrows
And then I will also send the theory part of the class to you via email, to keep and reference in the future.
I put together (or rather revamped) this class following 2 things that happened:
One – was that I began to realise more and more, that I am SO passionate about working with (and on) “real” every day woman (not models, celebrities, etc. – without meaning to offend). And that I really want to use the talent that God gave me to have apositive impact in Women’s lives!
Too often I find that woman do not realise how beautiful they are (or forgot somewhere along the line). Either because of the demands of life (work, families, children). OR because of the often warped ‘ideal’ portrayed in the media, of what ‘beautiful’ is. So I get child-like excited when I get the opportunity to show (or remind) someone how beautiful they are! And how they can enhance that beauty with just the basics of MakeUp. So that they can once again look & therefore feel great & be empowered by a confidence boost!
Don’t get me wrong, I am not suggesting that women need to wear MakeUp to look beautiful. In fact, I am a firm believer of less is more. But with all the ‘tools’ that we have available to us in this day and age, why would we not use them to help us bring out our natural beauty! Bobbi Brown describes it well when she says :
“I believe that all women are pretty without makeup- but with the right makeup they can be pretty powerful.”
Two – over the last year or two, SO many of the ladies that I did MakeUp on asked me if I don’t offer this kind of class. Where I could show them, or their daughters how to do their own MakeUp. So I found that there was really a need for a course like this, and I could feel myself drawn to this calling <3
What (to bring with you on the day)?
All the MakeUp that you currently have, so that I can :
- advise you on it (eg. if the colours suit you)
- show you how to best use it
- as well as suggest additional products that you could add to your current collection
And the same goes for all the MakeUp Tools that you currently have (brushes, sponges, etc).
I have spent many many hours to put together suggestions on products, including both ‘budget-friendly’ and splurge options, for each type of MakeUp product.
I will also have my own profession kit out, so that I can show you examples of products that I love to use. And I may also use products from my kit on you during the practical part of our session as necessary.
Hi Mariaan
Thank you so much for a great morning!
I had an amazing one on one makeup lesson! You taught me so much and I had so much fun! So talented and patient!
And thank you for my MakeUp Manual, I’m going to read some now 😁 Chat soon!
This class is for women of any and every age out there (ok yes, not really if you are still young enough to not wear MakeUp. But I don’t even know at what age the youngsters start wearing MakeUp these days??.. so the moms out there will have to guide me on that). Whether you wear a lot of MakeUp and just need some guidance on some of your techniques or products. Or whether you normally don’t wear or even own a drop of MakeUp. Just send me your honest request (don’t be shy), then I can always try to make some adjustments to the class accordingly.
And to add to the who (as in who am I? / who will be presenting this course?) I have been working as a MakeUp Artist since the end of 2001 – mostly part-time during those years – but now full time for the last couple of years since 2015. I have worked all across the spectrum of MakeUp Artist jobs, from Film, Fashion, Commercials, Photo Shoots, Weddings. To more Lifestyle Shoots and Special Events lately. Which is where I found my passion working on everyday women (as I mentioned earlier). So I now mostly do MakeUp for Lifestyle Shoots (eg. boudoir, engagement, weddings, maternity, newborn, family, Matric Dances, special occasion MakeUp like Birthdays, Year End Functions, etc.). I am originally Afrikaans (so please let me know if you are as well), but I also speak English deliciously… lol
The best time to book your class for would be during a week day if possible, as I do not always have availability over weekends. This is because of Weddings and Shoots that may have been booked months in advance. But I do still have the occasional spot open on a weekend here & there as well.
Because natural light is essential to this class, it can also not be done in the evening. So during Winter time the ‘latest time’ to start a session would be 2:30pm (so it will run till 5:30pm). And during the summer that could be extended to starting at 4pm (till 7pm) – depending on the time of sunset for that day. The same would of course go for starting times in the morning – only after sun-up – so that we have sufficient natural light.
The class will be done at my house in Bloubergrandt. Or if you would like me to rather do the class at your own house, this can also be arranged, but a travel fee will then apply.
How (much)?
The class fee is R700 per person for your 3-4hr session. OR you can make use of the SISTER-LOVE deal, whereby if you get another woman (eg. your friend, sister, mom, daughter, etc.) to book their session as well, you each only pay R630 for the class. The 2 sessions will still be held separately (one-on-one), and doesn’t need to be on the same day as each other, but they need to be reserved by paying your booking fees together (in advance).
Hi Mariaan
Baie dankie vir ‘n heerlike oggend/middag, het dit BAIE geniet en soo baie geleer!!
Ek het daai detailed mail gekry, so sooo sooooo baie dankie vir my lifetime manual!!! Dankie ook vir al die moeite wat jygedoen het om make-up te source, jy’s amazing!!! Jou mail, raad en voorstelle, maak dit soveel makliker om die regte produkte te koop, waardeer!
Ek oefen nog om dit perfek te kry en speel lekker met die eyeshadow’s, maar geniet die nuwe tegniek en grimering baie! Nogmaals dankie vir al jou moeite en tyd. Maak ‘n groot verskil hoe mens elke dag lyk!!
Ek sal definitief mense na jou verwys, jy’s eenvoudig wonderlik!
Persoonlike Een-tot-Een Grimeer Klas
Haai! Dankie vir jou belangstelling in ProMakeupMe se persoonlike Grimeer Klas! Ek sien uit daarna om deel te wees van jou reis om jouself te bemagtig met die vaardighede om jou eie grimering vrymoedig te kan doen! En sodoende jou selfvertroue te verhoog, terwyl jy jouself sien as – en voel soos die pragtige vrou wat God jou gemaak het om te wees! xx
MakeUp Klas Oorsig:
Persoonlike MakeUp Klas – R700 (+-3-4ure)
(Loer gerus ook na my #SISTER-LOVE special in die ‘Hoeveel?’ gedeelte ondertoe)
Hierdie klas word een-tot-een gedoen, sodat ek vir jou my onverdeelde aandag kan gee. En jy sodoende die meeste wat jy kan uit die sessie kan kry 🙂
Gedurende die klas sal ons deur die teorie werk, terwyl ek dit ook prakties op jou eie gesig demonstreer. En ek gee jou dan ook die geleentheid om self van die tegnieke toe te pas (bv. ek sal iets op jou een oog doen en dan probeer jy self dieselfde op jou ander oog doen.)
Ek vind dat dit die beste manier vir dames is om na die tyd te onthou wat hulle in die klas geleer het. Dan kan jy ook enige vragies vra wat heel moontlik gaan op kom wanneer jy iets vir die eerste keer self probeer doen. En dit gee my die geleentheid om te sien wat en hoe jy dinge doen, sodat ek daar-en-dan vir jou kan reg help met enige klein goedjies. Soos bv. hoe jy jou kwassie vashou en gebruik, etc.
Ons sal oor al die basiese inligting gaan:
- Gereedskap (borseltjies, sponsies, etc)
- Vel voorbereiding (velsorg, primers, etc)
- Onderlaag (insluitende concealers, poeiers, etc.)
- Oog grimering
- Wangetjies (blusher, en basiese ‘contouring/highlighting’)
- Lippe
- Wenkbroue
En dan stuur ek ook vir jou die teorie gedeelte van die klas om te hou en te kan gebruik om later weer na te slaan.
Daar is 2 dinge wat gebeur het, wat my aangespoor het om hierdie klas bymekaar te sit (of weer bymekaar te sit eerder)..
Een – was dat ek al hoe meer agtergekom het dat my passie regtig daarin lê om met (en op) ‘regte’ alledaagse vroue te werk. Nie noodwendig modelle, celebrities, etc nie – maar ek bedoel ook nie daarmee enige iets sleg teenoor hulle nie. Te gereeld vind ek dat ons as dames nie besef (of vergeet) hoe mooi ons werklik is. Partykeer as gevolg van ons besige lewens (werk, familie, kinders). OF oor die verdraaide ‘ideaal’ van wat ‘mooi’ is, wat baie keer in die media voorgehou word. So ek raak kinderlik-opgewonde wanneer ek die geleentheid kry om ‘n dame te wys (of herinner) hoe pragtig hulle is! En hoe hulle daardie prag kan uitbring en ophemel deur net ‘n paar van die die basiese MakeUp tegnieke. Sodat hulle dan weer hulle beste kan lyk & daarom ook so voel, en sodoende bemagtig raak deur ‘n selfvertroue boost! 😉
Maar moet my asseblief nie verkeerd verstaan nie, ek sê glad nie dat vroue almal MakeUp moet dra om mooi te kan lyk nie. Inteendeel glo ek sterk in ‘ less is more’. Maar met al die ‘tools’ wat ons tot ons beskikking het deesdae, is daar geen rede hoekom ons dit nie kan gebruik om ons eie natuurlike skoonheid uit te bring nie! Bobbi Brown beskryf dit baie goed wanneer sy sê :
“I believe that all women are pretty without makeup – but with the right makeup they can be pretty powerful.”
Tweedens – oor die laaste jaar of twee, het daar SO baie van die dames op wie ek MakeUp gedoen het vir my gevra of ek nie so ‘n klas aanbied nie. Sodat ek vir hulle (of hul dogters) kan wys hoe om hulle eie MakeUp te doen. So ek het al hoe meer begin voel dat daar regtig ‘n behoefte vir so ‘n klas is, en ek het al hoe meer geroep gevoel om dit aan die gang te kry <3
Wat (om saam te bring op die dag)?
Al die MakeUp wat jy op die oomblik het, sodat ek :
- daaroor kan raad gee (bv. of die kleure jou pas)
- jou kan wys wat jy daarmee kan doen
- voorstelle te maak van wat jy nog by kan kry om wat jy reeds het aan te vul
Asook al die MakeUp gereedskap wat jy op die oomblik het (borseltjies, sponges, etc).
Ek sal natuurlik ook my eie professionele kit uitgepak he, sodat ek vir jou voorbeelde kan wys van produkte wat ek van hou om te gebruik, en ons sal moontlik van dit ook gebruik gedurende die praktiese gedeelte van die klas soos nodig.
Hi Mariaan
Thank you so much for a great morning!
I had an amazing one on one makeup lesson! You taught me so much and I had so much fun! So talented and patient!
And thank you for my MakeUp Manual, I’m going to read some now 😁 Chat soon!
Hierdie klas is vir vroue van enige ouderdom (ok ja, nie eintlik as jy nog te jonk is om MakeUp te dra nie.. Maar ek weet nie eers meer teen watse ouderdom die jonger dames nou begin MakeUp dra nie??.. so die mammas daar buite sal my maar daaroor moet inlig..he-he). En of jy nou baie MakeUp dra en net meer raad nodig het oor van die tegnieke of produkte. Of of jy normaalweg geen MakeUp dra of eers besit nie.. Stuur vir my jou eerlike versoek (moenie skaam wees nie) en dan kan ek altyd die klas bietjie aanpas vir jou daarvolgens.
Dan bietjie meer oor die wie (soos in wie is ek? / wie bied die klas aan?) Ek werk al vanaf die einde van 2001 as ‘n MakeUp Artist – part-time vir die meeste van daardie jare in die begin – en nou votyds vir die laaste paar jare vanaf 2015. Ek het al in die meeste van die verskillende MakeUp Artist industrieë gewerk, vanaf Film, Mode, Advertensies, Photo Shoots, Troues tot meer Lifestyle Shoots en Spesiale Geleenthede. Waar ek dan nou ook my passie gevind het om op alledaagse vroue te werk (soos ek voorheen genoem het). So deesdae doen ek meestal MakeUp vir Lifestyle tipe Shoots (bv. boudoir, verlowing, troues, maternity, newborn, familie, Matriek Danse en ander spesiale geleenthede soos Verjaarsdae, Jaareind Funksies, etc.). Ek is oorspronklik Afrikaans (so laat weet my asb. as jy ook is), but I also speak English deliciously… lol 😉
Die beste tyd om jou klas te bespreek, sal gedurende ‘n weeksdag wees as moontlik, omdat my naweke gewoonlik redelik lank voor die tyd vol bespreek raak deur Troues of Shoots. Maar ek het darem ook hier en daar nog ‘n oop gaatjie op ‘n naweeksdag partykeer.
Omdat ons natuurlike lig nodig het vir die kursus, kan dit ook nie laat in die aand in hardloop nie. So in die Winter is die ‘laatste’ wat ons kan begin 2:30nm (wat dan 5:30nm sal klaar maak). En in die Somer kan dit bietjie aanskuif na 4nm (om dan 7nm klaar te maak) – afhangende van die sonsondergang tyd op daardie dag. Dieselfde sal natuurlik geld vir die vroegste tyd wat ons kan begin in die oggend – so eers na sonop, sodat ons genoeg natuurlike lig het.
Ek bied die klas aan by my huis in Bloubergrandt. Of as jy verkies dat ek die klas by jou huis vir jou kom doen, kan dit ook gereel word, maar dan sal daar ‘n bedraggie bykom vir my reiskoste.
Die klas fooi R700 per persoon vir die 3-4ure sessie. OF jy kan gebruik maak van my SISTER-LOVE deal, waar as jy nog ‘n dame kry (bv. jou vriendin, sussie, ma, dogter, etc.) om vir hulself ook ‘n klas te bespreek, dan sal jul elk net R630 betaal vir julle klas. Die 2 klasse sal nogsteed apart (een-tot-een) gedoen word, en hoef ook nie op dieselfde dag gedoen word nie. Maar die besprekings fooi vir beide sal saam vooraf betaal moet word.
Hi Mariaan
Baie dankie vir ‘n heerlike oggend/middag, het dit BAIE geniet en soo baie geleer!!
Ek het daai detailed mail gekry, so sooo sooooo baie dankie vir my lifetime manual!!! Dankie ook vir al die moeite wat jygedoen het om make-up te source, jy’s amazing!!! Jou mail, raad en voorstelle, maak dit soveel makliker om die regte produkte te koop, waardeer!
Ek oefen nog om dit perfek te kry en speel lekker met die eyeshadow’s, maar geniet die nuwe tegniek en grimering baie! Nogmaals dankie vir al jou moeite en tyd. Maak ‘n groot verskil hoe mens elke dag lyk!!
Ek sal definitief mense na jou verwys, jy’s eenvoudig wonderlik!
Apologies for all the ‘Uhmms’ in the video… really bad habit that I just can’t seem to shake… lol And as it is in my Mother Tongue (Afrikaans) I also apologise to my English speaking ladies who do not understand, but all the info can still be found above 😉